At 2012 year Olena Melnykova ( Vavourakis ) did visit Europe first time in her life. And the newest country which appeared in front of her eyes as fairy tale was Czech republic with wonderful architectures and deep history. AlyonaArtist was a member of annually held open-air "Venkov" twice : at 2012 and 2013 years.
This open air event for artists is happening frequently in Czech Republic at small village Venkov (not so far from Prague...) and actually it was created by Myroslav Zuzuk and Kateřina Profousová for young artists from East of Europe - Ukraine, to provide and show their ART to the West European people and to tell about Ukraine more. For young artists this is special occasion to see the world through the window of Czech Republic and try to conquer the West European space of ART.
Alyona Artist was able to spend time in Czech republic and make a lot of sketches and paintings at Tisova. She visited very beautiful and old towns Olomouc, Litomyšl, Častolovice, Vysoké Mýto and Prague as a final accord of wonderful trip and productively vocation which took the special place in her heart till now. AlyonaArtist comes back to see the Prague again and again. Prague unique capital of european jazz and deep culture.
Every each year Plenér" Venkov " is ending with series of exhibitions at first at the village Venkov, then at Litomyšl and in Prague at the end. At 2012 and 2013 Olena Melnykovas
(Vavourakis) artworks were represented on several exhibitions in Czech republic too. The plein air "Venkov 2012" gave the rises for several exhibitions of ukrainian art in United Kingdom Great britan. Ten artworks of Olena Melnykova(Vavourakis) took the place at 3 exhibitions in London and 1 in Manchester at 2012, 2013 and 2014 years.